Here again. Just a feeling that I had, that I kept for a long time. Am I doing wrong? or just went wrong? The more I do the less I know. I spend over 3 years trying to figure it out what i meant to you. It just unfair!unfair! Somehow I thought you are the love of my life but it just teary in my eyes keep falling on my face. Deary, please remember me once a more. The moment we cherish together still there in my head. I can't get over with this. Trying too but then why you keep coming back? Why?! Why?! Never asked anything from you. Just want you to remember, appreciate me. Nothing more than happier I am every time I went to see you...I just don't know when was the last time you thought of me or even love me, appreciate me.Now, I really had no idea what we were in.
**Knowing that our relation will come to the end eventually.