
10 days.

10 days, still counting and more to go.
Moving ahead for a better lives and a better life.
Ask for full of blessing in life.
Seek for peace until fajr.


whatever begins is not the ends.

Where to be? how am I able to contribute & developed my skills, knowledge & creativity?

Still to be a BIG question in my head.


everybody knows.

I hope one day you'll see nobody has it easy.
I still can't believe you have found somebody new.
But I wish you the best, I guess.
cause everybody knows.

**I wish that we have known..but did everybody really knows?


meet the strangers?

Captain Jack Sparrow sets out to find the Fountain of Youth? The possible release date is on May 20th, 2011. Penelope Cruz will be join in together with Geoffrey Rush. Can't wait to watch it! Hope it will fascinating than ever!!

**Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
l.o.v.e Johnny Deep so hard!


everything that I wanted to have.

I have made a plan for 2011 & will go for it. Hoping that everyone pray for my happiness.This is what i want..

**Continue to find the right path.

turn back time.

I wish I would have a chance to turn back.What i have done in the past..like anyone said its easy to forgive but not to forget..my dad..